My C64 & Amiga remixes

Below are tunes I composed between ~1998-2004. Mostly they are crap.

If you want to listen to S3M & IT tunes, I suggest OpenMPT.

File Type Year Name + additional info
AGPM.IT C64 2000 Aspar Grand Prix Master
AMIGAMIX.IT Amiga 2002 Amiga Car Melodies (Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (Title), Super Cars (Ingame?), Super Cars 2 (Intro), Grand Prix Circuit (Intro & menu), Badlands, Lotus Turbo Challenge II, Super Cars 2 (Title), Formula One Grand Prix, Overdrive, OutRun Europa, Warm Up (Title), Indy Heat, Road Rash, Hard Drivin' 2)
AmigaMix.mp3 Amiga 2002 Hard Drivin' 2
ARKPANDR.IT C64 2001 Ark Pandora (Tunes 1 & 3)
ARMYNOW.IT - 2001 You're in the Army Now (Status Quo)
BLACKADD.IT - 2002 Musta kyy (Black Adder theme)
BLUEDRMS.IT Own 2000 Blue Dreams
BMBJACK2.IT C64 1999 Bomb Jack 2
BOUNDER.IT C64 2002 Bounder
Apple - Brian the Lion (Ingame).mp3 Amiga ? Brian the Lion - Ingame tunes (WIP)
Apple - Brian the Lion Highscore.mp3 Amiga ? Brian the Lion - Highscore
Amiga 2000 Brutal Spors Series: Football
BUBLBOBL.IT C64 2000 Bubble Bobble (Various tunes)
CALGMENU.IT C64 2000 California Games (Menu)
CAULDRN2.IT C64 1999 Cauldron 2
Apple - Colonization Title (Rainy Day Mix).mp3 Amiga ? Colonization Title (Rainy Day Mix)
Apple - Commando.mp3
C64 2001 Commando (Title & highscore)
Apple - Cybernetix.mp3 Amiga ? Cybernetix
C64 2001 Double Take
DETHWISH.IT C64 2000 Deathwish 3
DT.IT C64 ? Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
DUCKTALE.IT C64 2002 DuckTales
ELEPHANT.IT C64 1999 CJ'S Elephant Antics
ENDURO.IT C64 2000 Enduro Racer (All tunes)
C64 2001 Forbidden Forest 1 & 2 (Various tunes)
FIRELORD.IT C64 1999 Firelord
Apple - First Samurai (WIP).mp3 Amiga ? First Samurai (WIP)
GAMETNES.IT Own 2000 Game tunes
Apple - Garfield (WIP).mp
C64 2000 Garfield
GGTITLE.IT C64 2000 Ghouls 'n Ghosts
GHSTBSTR.S3M C64 1998 Ghostbusters
GREENBRT.IT C64 2002 Green Beret
GUITAR.IT Own 2000 Guitar
HAMMERF.IT C64 2002 Hammerfist
HATE.IT C64 ? H.A.T.E.
HATLELID.IT Amiga 2002 Kris Hatlelid Remix (Grand Prix Circuit, Test Drive, Cycles, Power at Sea, Wings of Fury)
HEAVEN.IT Own ? Heaven
C64 2002 He-man and the Masters of the Universe
HOTSHOT.IT C64 200 Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!
Amiga 2000 Hollywood Poker (Title)
C64 2002 Hypa-Ball
"One of my personal favorites. I remember even creating own instruments for this remix.."
JUDGEDRD.S3M C64 2000 Judge Dredd (Ingame tunes)
Apple - KGB (WIP).mp3 Amiga ? KGB (WIP)
KULKUSET.IT - ? Kulkuset (Jingle Bells) Italo Remix
LAWNTNNS.IT C64 2000 Lawn Tennis
LEDSTORM.IT C64 2001 L.E.D. Storm
C64 2001 Running in the Family
MAGICFLU.IT - ? Magic Flute+Prelude No.2 in C minor (BWV 847)
MANIAXIO.IT C64 2000 Maniaxion (Pit-Fighter Title)
MASKMAN.IT - ? M.A.S.K & He-man themes
MLDIZZY.IT C64 2001 Magicland Dizzy
MMANSION.IT C64 2000 Maniac Mansion
MRESIST.IT C64 ? Midnight Resistance
Apple - Mike Read's Pop Quiz (WIP).mp3 C64 ? Mike Read's Pop Quiz (WIP).mp3
"I got this game with my C64. Stupid game but loved the music. I really should have finished this remix.."
C64 2002 Myth
NARC.IT C64 ? N.A.R.C.
Own 2001 Tale of a Leader
"Song that contains clips from Adolf Hitler. I have no idea what I was thinking back then.. And sadly, I consider this to be the best own song I've ever made.."
NEMESIS.IT C64 ? Nemesis
NHLHOCK.IT MegaDrive 2000 NHL 94 & 95 (Title tunes)
Apple - Ninja Warriors.mp3 C64 ? Ninja Warriors
"I tried to upload this to back in the days, but it was rejected because of some really retarded reason. Motivated by that, this was the last remix I ever made.."
OCEANL5.IT C64 2000 Ocean Loader 5
Own ? Onnenpyörä
"This is just stupid.."
Apple - Painterboy.mp3 C64 ? Painterboy
C64 2002 Pandora
C64 ? Pang
C64 2001 Pit-Fighter (Ingame)
"This remix is one of my favorites, very simple but it just works.."
PLATOON.IT C64 1999 Platoon (Title & highscore)
PPIZZA.IT C64 2002 Peppered Pizza
PRED2.IT Amiga 2001 Predator 2 (Title & ingame)
RAMBO2.IT C64 1999 Rambo: First Blood Part 2
RESIST.IT C64 ? Midnight Resistance (v2 ingame tunes)
RGAUNT.IT C64 2002 Run the Gauntlet
ROBOCOP.IT C64 2001 Robocop
R-TYPE.IT C64 2000 R-Type
Apple - Shadowlands.mp3 Amiga ? Shadowlands
"Propably the best Amiga remix I ever made.."
SF2REMIX.IT C64 2000 Street Fighter 2 (Title & Ken stage ingame)
SHORTCRC.IT C64 ? Short Circuit
C64 2003 Short 'n Simple (Kong Strikes Back, Flight Path 737, How to be a Complete Bastard, Werewolves of London, Mouse Trap)
SKATEWRS.IT C64 2001 Skate Wars
SLEEPWLK.IT Amiga 2001 Sleepwalk
Own 2001 Space Adventure
SPACECRU.IT C64 2000 Space Crusade
Apple - Space Crusade.mp3 Amiga ? Space Crusade
"Another reject. Not original enough or something was the reason."
SPACEDBT.IT C64 1999 Space Doubt
SPACEHAR.IT C64 ? Space Harrier (Ingame, Boss 1, Boss 2 & Highscore)
SPEDBALL.IT C64 1999 Speedball
SPIJKRH3.IT C64 2000 Spijkerhoek 3
Apple - Super Space Invaders.mp3
C64 2002 Super Space Invaders (X-Files remix)
"You can't go wrong if you mix invaders with X-Files?"
STARSLDR.S3M C64 1998 Star Soldier
"My very first C64 remix?"
STRTFGHT.IT C64 1999 Street Fighter
SUPREMCY.IT C64 2000 Supremacy
SYNTHITS.IT - 2001 Greatest Synthesizer Hits (Blue Monday, Enola Gay, Magnetic Fields Part 2, Tubular Bells Part 1, Oxygene IV, Axel F, Chase, Magic Fly, Crocket's Theme, Titles, Popcorn, Alpha)
TARGETRE.IT C64 1999 Target Renegade
THAIBXNG.IT C64 1999 Thai Boxing
THUNDERB.IT C64 2000 Thunder Blade
THUNDERC.IT C64 2000 Thundercats
TIMEMCHN.IT C64 1999 Time Machine
C64 2002 Turbo Outrun
"Last remix I ever made with Impulse Tracker."
C64 2000 Turrican 2 (End)
TURR2TTL.IT C64 2000 Turrican 2 (Title)
TURRCAN2.IT C64 1999 Turrican 2 (Intro)
TURRLVLX.IT C64 2000 Turrican (Ingame)
UCM.IT C64 2002 Ultimate Combat Mission
UUNO.IT C64 ? Uuno Turhapuro muuttaa maalle (Intro)
UUNO2.IT C64 2000 Uuno Turhapuro muuttaa maalle (Ingame)
VENUSFLY.IT Amiga ? Venus the Flytrap
WHITTAKR.IT C64 2002 Braveheart+Jailbreak